Kiss & Make Up by Katie D. Anderson

Deadline Hollywood Daily: Warner Premiere Options Digital Series Rights For Novel 'Kiss & Make Up'

New York, NY- Amazon Children's Publishing today announced it plans to publish "Kiss & Make Up," the first young adult novel by Oxford, Mississippi author Katie D. Anderson, in October 2012. Associate Publisher Tim Ditlow acquired World English and audio rights to the book from Cheryl Pientka at Jill Grinberg Literary Management.

"Kiss & Make Up" is a magical romantic comedy starring 16-year-old lip gloss addict and unlikely clairvoyant Emerson Taylor, who discovers during her first kiss that she is able to get glimpses of a guy's past when his lips meet hers. She quickly learns how to use her gift to steal secrets, memories, and even test answers from unsuspecting brainy boys. But when a school competition and a secret crush force her to forego her gift and study the old-fashioned way, Emerson risks losing her newfound reputation among the academic elite-and the guy she loves. Set against the glam backdrop of her aunt's top-selling cosmetics business, Emerson's story reveals how she "makes over" her previously selfish ways and finds that true beauty always wins out in the end.

"As the mother of two young girls, my goal is to create books that promote a positive message for young adults. If I can achieve that with a killer hook like a kiss that can read minds, well then, that's all the better," says Anderson.

Warner Premiere won the rights for a live-action digital series based on the novel which is currently in development. Dan Romanelli, an entertainment and consumer products executive, in association with Norm Marshall & Associates, is exploring potential cosmetic partnerships with several major international brands. Sean Daily of Hotchkiss & Associates handled the deal with Warner Premiere.

"We're excited to see so much enthusiasm for Katie's message of empowerment and self-confidence," says Ditlow. "The project has great potential to effectively speak to young readers through a number of different platforms."